Better Than Before – An honest look at my blogger path for financial maturity

S4F Personal Thoughts @ Savings4Freedom
The overall objective with the new Savings4Freedom blog is better design, content quality, and value for readers. I hope you like and share with your friends.

After a long silence, I’m finally back writing and sharing my thoughts with you. Apologies, but the last 5 months have been quite an experience. For all of us…

As you probably remember, at the beginning of the year, I established 4 personal objectives building on top of my positive 2019 P2P lending experience:

  • Objective 1 – Reduce and rebalance my P2P crowdinvesting portfolio
  • Objective 2 – Explore new investment options
  • Objective 3 – Start a new business
  • Objective 4 – Improve the Savings4Freedom blog design, contents quality, and value

Since then, everything changed. P2P platform scams destroyed my portfolio and P2P investment strategy, followed by COVID-19 adding pressure to my professional life. I was only able to work a fraction of the time I would need to execute my vision of what the blog should be… but I realized that this is a work in progress, and I hope you like the direction the blog is moving towards.

N26 The Mobile Bank @ Savings4Freedom

Objective 1 – Reduce and Rebalance

Kuetzal and Envestio are scams… Monethera and Grupeer are also facing judicial initiatives from investors (I joined all of them). Other P2P platforms are full of warning signs… and I’m stuck. The honest assessment is that all these scams did the “reduce and rebalance” of my portfolio even if in the worst possible outcome for me. The reality is painful. I lost all gains since starting my P2P investments and you can see that on my P2P portfolio. My greed destroyed my P2P investment strategy and returns.

I marked my losses and facing these facts, the only answer was to reevaluate all my writings taking into consideration what I experienced. All my mistakes will remain visible for all to see in the old blog, but I simply needed to do something to regain control over what just happened, and the new blog was my answer.

Check 7 Lessons to Protect Yourself From P2P Scams. I know, it’s quite ironic for me to write about the topic, but it’s my simple way to organize notes on what went bad…

Objective 2 – New Investments

COVID-19 was a critical moment for me to invest in some other asset classes. I was able to buy stocks and bonds at a lower cost than what I was expecting when I wrote the objective. I don’t make those visible on the blog for two main reasons:

  • I don’t have the time for now to describe as I should why and how I purchased these assets;
  • There is no value on the particular stock or bond, since everything changed in a very short window of time.

However, in the future and when time allows, I will start writing about other investment assets in the blog.

Objective 3 – A New Business

As probably some of you are aware, my wife is a pet-sitter at 4EveryPet.

4EveryPet @ Savings4Freedom

There are no funds, after what happened with my P2P investments, but the goals to build a digital business based on this particular niche market is going forward at baby steps. My family is doing the best to turn this idea into reality as soon as possible.

Objective 4 – A New Blog

I was not happy with my blog. And the feedback from readers was very productive to help me define what the blog should become. This blog works for me as a powerful motivational tool. It keeps me focused to report my findings, share my opinions and results/losses every single month. But the most interesting aspect was the opening of conversations and network opportunities with fellow investors that face the same problems and search for the most reliable solutions.

The overall objectives with the new blog are better design, content quality, and value for readers.

If you want to start exploring, I suggest that you start on My Introduction to P2P Investing. I hope you like and welcome all constructive criticism.

CleanMyMac Gemini CleanMyPC Wallpaper Wizard @ Savings4Freedom

Please feel free to explore the blog, subscribe to the newsletter (if you did it on the old blog, please do it again in the new, for privacy reasons) and share your opinion with me on the results either on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram or WhatsApp.

To a new beginning!

Do you what to receive updates on new publications? Check SavingsForFreedom on Telegram and WhatsApp, or follow the blog in the links below! Thank you!


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