Yesterday Crowdestor launched a new crowdfunding campaign to finance the acquisition of a licensed payment service provider from the Czech Republic: MaxiPay. This is a bold move by Crowdestor to integrate its entire P2P transactions ecosystem within its operational scope. A successful process will facilitate compliance with some of the conditions presented in the EU Crowdfunding Regulation proposal as well as lower existing operational costs with financial transactions. An interesting development to follow.
Crowdestor: Crowdfunding Campaign
Crowdestor is inviting investors to finance acquisition of a licensed payment service provider from the Czech Republic. Later, they will have the option either to get their investment back plus interest or convert their loan and interest into equity of the new subsidiary company: Crowdestor Payments.
Why this Acquisition?
With this move, Crowdestor is able to solve a number of different problems:
- Answer requirements from the EU Crowdfunding Regulation proposal;
- Provide segregated accounts for investor’s funds;
- Lower costs associated to financial transactions;
- Speed up funds transfers.
Many other advantages can be added to this list. In fact, by integrating a licensed payment service provider into their organization ecosystem, Crowdestor is gaining control over the entire financial transaction process and achieve economic gains from it’s own success.
What to learn more?
In case you want to read the dedicated White Paper, only verified investors can access it, after accepting the maintain the confidentiality of the information.
What do you think of this Crowdestor move?
Crowdestor is driving fast among turtles in the P2P industry. Where others see problems, Crowdestor sees opportunities. What is your personal opinion on the future of the platform? Will you decide to invest or avoid it? Why? It will be very interesting to learn your opinion on this topic.
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