iban Wallet: A Warning Message

S4F Risk Management iban wallet @ Savings4Freedom
I decided to stop promoting iban wallet on my blog. Too many questions without answers, too much smoke around people, locations, finances and operations. A warning message to all.

During October iban Wallet was among the most discussed platforms in the industry, and not for good reasons. As you remember, when reviewing the platform I highlighted the lack of transparency about the financials, operations and business structure of the entire organization.

Kristaps Mors took the research seriously and you can read the results here:

As always, I appreciate the work done by Kristaps. I reach out to iban Wallet for a comment, but received an empty reply. A serious company takes this type of publications seriously, addressing the information and sustaining their position based on facts. Not answering is in itself an answer.

I decided to close my open position on the platform, and warn caution to any investors.

Over the next few days I will stop promoting the platform on the blog and just wish that future communications from the company are able to answer all questions raised in a simple, transparent and productive manner.

Suspicious, Troubling and Fraudulent P2P Platforms
Fraudulent P2P Platforms Risk Management

Suspicious, Troubling and Fraudulent P2P Platforms

By September 9, 2020 1
After so much troubling news in the European P2P Industry, it is crucial to collect and share a list of the suspicious, troubling and fraudulent P2P Platforms.

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