Estateguru: Platform Pros and Cons

S4F Reviews&Analysis EstateGuru @ Savings4Freedom
Take a closer look at some of the key pros & cons of investing in Real Estate loans through EstateGuru. Don’t invest before a proper due diligence.

EstateGuru is a online marketplace focused on real estate peer-to-peer lending. Founded in 2013 by Kaspar Kaljuvee, Marek Pärtel & Marko Arro, EstateGuru facilities the financing of development loans, bridge loans, renovation loans and business loans based on real estate collateral in Baltic countries such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. In 2019 EstateGuru expanded operations to Finland, Germany, Portugal and Spain, but these deals represent a small part of the overall loan portfolio.

EstateGuru is based in Tallinn, Estonia and is growing quickly as one of the largest real estate P2P investment platforms in Europe. All loans are backed by real estate collateral (with a average LTV below 60%) and EstateGuru has a good lending track record with investors achieving average returns over 12% to date.

In 2020, EstateGuru launched a Seedrs equity crowdfunding campaign to raise capital for further expansion and growth.

The risk profile of the loans can vary considerably and it is, as always recommend to perform a careful due diligence and selection before investing. EstateGuru is not a P2P platform that should be left alone through the use of the auto invest feature.

EstateGuru Platform Pros & Cons

EstateGuru Pros

EstateGuru Track Record

Since 2013, EstateGuru has a great loan performance and recovery record

Risk Assessment Info

High quality information is provided by EstateGuru on loans and collateral

Secured Loans & Collateral

All the loans are backed with a mortgage with LTVs around 60%

High Interest Rates

Typically between 10 and 14%

Platform Transparency

Annual financial reports and platforms statistics are shared regularly

EstateGuru Cons

Auto Invest Tool

Investments over €250 per loan are required to unlock basic options

Limited Diversification

Takes time to build a large, diversified portfolio outside the Baltic countries

Secondary Market Fee

To sell your loans, you pay a 2% selling fee on EstateGuru secondary market

Withdraw Fee

Since June 2020, EstateGuru requires a €1 fee for withdrawns

You should be aware in EstateGuru there’s no buyback guarantee. However, as presented above, the platform offers multiple reasons to trust and in reality EstateGuru is one of the best options to invest in real estate backed loans in Europe. The platform keeps growing and working to diversify their loans offers to additional countries. However, you must perform a adequate due diligence on each individual loan before investing. Loan risk if totally different from loan to loan, making it sometimes complex to build a risk diversified portfolio with small investment amounts.

Sign-Up Bonus

Earn 0.5% on all investments over the first 3 months in cashback

What to learn more about Estateguru?

EstateGuru Investments @ Savings4Freedom
Check all articles about Estateguru

EstateGuru Alternatives and Competitors

Real Estate Loans @ Savings4Freedom
Business Loans @ Savings4Freedom
Personal Loans @ Savings4Freedom

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