Help for New P2P Investors

P2P Lending Regulatory Reality

Confused about this new investment asset and how to start? Explore the available contents that want to help you navigating the concepts of P2P investing.

Buyback Guarantee: Wishful-thinking or Security?
Help for New Investors

Buyback Guarantee: Wishful-thinking or Security?

By August 9, 2020 0
New P2P lending investors may consider a buyback guaranteed loan as a risk-free investment. False! First check who grants the warranty and how it really works.
How to Start Investing in P2P Loans
Help for New Investors

How to Start Investing in P2P Loans

By April 6, 2020 0
You simply need to create an account in a P2P platform of your choice, deposit funds and look for the right loans to invest your money and collect interest.
How to Research a P2P Platform?
Help for New Investors

How to Research a P2P Platform?

By March 30, 2020 0
There are many options on the market and it can be frustrating to choose the best. Make sure to invest time to fully research your options before investing.
Risks of P2P Investing
Help for New Investors

Risks of P2P Investing

By March 16, 2020 4
If you are considering P2P lending as an investment option for your money, it is important to understand both the benefits and risks of this asset class.
Benefits of P2P Investing
Help for New Investors

Benefits of P2P Investing

By March 2, 2020 1
If you are considering P2P lending as an investment option for your money, it is important to understand both the benefits and risks of this asset class.
P2P Lending Regulatory Reality
Help for New Investors

P2P Lending Regulatory Reality

By February 17, 2020 1
If European crowdfunding becomes more transparent and trustworthy it will allow more people to engage and more money to be invested into P2P Lending.
Exploring the P2P Lending Market
Help for New Investors

Exploring the P2P Lending Market

By February 3, 2020 0
The P2P lending industry was $26Bn in 2015. A compound annual growth rate of 48.2% is expected to reach a total market size of $897Bn by the end of 2024.
Why include P2P lending to your investment portfolio?
Help for New Investors

Why include P2P lending to your investment portfolio?

By January 20, 2020 0
Let’s introduce you to P2P lending, how crowdlending works and help you decide if this asset class makes sense for your investment portfolio today.
Help for New Investors

Investing in Crowdlending: some important notes…

By February 14, 2019 0
Investing in crowdlending: some important notes… When you research a new crowdlending platform, it is not only important to look after the expected return and platform usability… There’s quite a few other, more relevant

Do you want to explore investment opportunities in P2P loans?

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