This last few months have been tough. My company demanded more and more of my time, adding to the pressure of preparing lectures for my students on the subjects of Management & Entrepreneurship at a local University. Teaching is something that really motivates me. It makes me believe I’m doing something tangible to improve other peoples lives… This additional pressure just made me realize the amount of time and effort I spend tracking P2P and crowdlending platforms, and how that is crazy.
After 2 years of work on the blog what I can share is that P2P lending did not make me richer. In fact, due to the multiple frauds I was victim and legal cases I’m currently involved this particular asset revealed to be the worst investment on my portfolio. A lot of lessons learned in the most painful way possible.
I like exploring new platforms and sharing information with you, but I don’t want to spend all my time tracking performance and reading information to reduce risk exposure, when in fact most of the information provided does not help to avoid a problem.
That’s why I’m reducing my positions in P2P. Better options elsewhere for me right now! If I’m giving up? No. But I will need to find a different way to reduce the time required to make something I’m proud of.
Time will tell! 😉
N26 Bank
You already know I love N26 Bank to manage all my P2P investments. By now it’s one of the most mature of the user-friendly and innovative challenger or neo-banks that have revolutionized the European banking market in the last few years. Last month I decided to subscribe N26 Metal to benefit from the 0.5% cashback on all my purchases. If you still don’t have your N26 account, this is a very simple way to support the blog, that I really appreciate.
Thank you for your support.

New P2P Platforms in the Market
InRento is a buy-to-let crowdfunding platform that allows investors to invest in rental properties. It is also an alternative way to get loans for real estate rental businesses.
InRento is authorised and regulated by the Bank of Lithuania. Requires a minimum investment of €500 for investment periods from 18 to 84 months, but offer a secondary market.
Gustas Germanavicius is one of the co-founders. You probably know him for his role as co-founder of EvoEstate.
Octabis is solely focused on one product: cryptocurrency-backed loan. They have been working to make this option convenient and suitable for retail customers.
– Maxim Saveljev – CEO, Founder
– Bogdan Nikkar – COO, Founder
– Dmitry Saveljev – CTO, Founder
– Eugene Semjonov – Head of Legal, Founder
Max Crowdfund is owned by Max Property Group, a multi-national real estate investment group with its head office in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Max Crowdfund is authorised and regulated by the Dutch Financial Authorities (AFM). Requires a minimum investment of €100 for investments in real estate loans.
No information is available regarding the company CEO, but you can find the team here.
So, let’s check January 2021 numbers…
S4F P2P Lending Portfolio January 2021
A lot of confusion around Crowdestor activity. The most recent discussion is around the multiple funding rounds of the project Dystopia. Too many rounds to understand the economics of the deals.
Personally, I’m reducing my position on the platform. The risk is too high for my current mindset and the significant overlap between lending and equity rounds demands a significant amount of time to study the investments and perform the necessary due diligence that I simply don’t have.

Crowdestor: Quick Overview
I cannot figure out how TFGcrowd works. Every single week they present a new way of funding and investing. Small amounts keep being paid to investors, but parts of the principal remain to be returned. I personally decided to leave the platform.
I recommend anyone thinking to invest in TFGcrowd to read carefully this post from Kristaps Mors.

TFGcrowd: Unlikely Survivor
Raize is the market leader among Portuguese P2P platforms. A recent interview shared light on the reasons to launch the 10% “success fee” over any interest received last November. Investors are leaving the platform and they will pay a huge price for this strategy.
Personally I’m slowly withdrawing along the time. I would like to have exited already the platform, but is not a easy task.

What is Financial Independence?
A slow recovery by Mintos over time. Again, I’m tired of trying to keep up with all the changes on loan originators and tracking their financials in a proper and timely manner.
I’m decreasing my exposure to Mintos and considering if I want to continue investing here or shift entirely towards loan originators bonds available on the market.

How to invest in P2P Lending in the Post-Covid Era
A lot of confusion and misinformation around Lendermarket in the last few months. The loan originator Creditstar was able to raise money to refinance bonds, but the interest rates reflect the risks associated. The discussion around the unaudited results continues and I suggest you read this post from Kristaps Mors.
I will continue to decrease my exposure to Lendermarket over time, and consider investing on their bonds, if reasonable.

Lendermarket: Quick Overview
Even if my position on PeerBerry is residual, the platform maintains a great reputation among the community. However, a lot of discussion is happening around ways for the company to increase reporting and loan originator transparency. It will be interesting to follow the discussion in the future.

PeerBerry: July 2020 Platform Performance
I decided not invest on Moncera. Even if Placet Group is among the most solid loan originators of Mintos, I don’t like the structure that links both companies. Let’s see what the future brings.
If you want to create a Moncera account, you can now benefit from €25 as a sign up bonus. Use the code FB34OG3 upon registration, otherwise they will not be able to credit the bonus.

Moncera: Quick Overview
IUVO Group
A lot of personal frustration with my IUVO Group experience. Multiple loan originators not performing and the lack of clear communication by the platform is annoying. I will decrease my position over time and close my investments here entirely when possible.

Does IUVO GOLD Club jeopardizes small investors returns?
I’m assessing Swaper but I must confess that is difficult to evaluate. The lack of transparency annoys me and the cash drag to invest lead me to reduce my position over time. It feels that for some particular loans it takes forever to receive the cash back.

Risks of P2P Investing
Don’t know what to write about Viventor. My funds are completely locked in the platform and I have no perspective of when I will have access to them. Right now my will is simply to withdraw my balance as soon as possible.
Over the last few months a series of emails demonstrated the confusion that is currently the overall operational activity in the platform and the activities of the current platform owner added a layer of complexity that I’m not willing to sustain in my portfolio. In fact the platform is clearly problematic and should be considered by everyone as such.

Viventor: Problems with Loan Originators
ViaInvest is among the most stable P2P platforms in the industry. Even if the user experience is quite terrible, in the end of the day what we want is performance. In any case, I just want to get the few euros I have there and move forward.

Benefits of P2P Investing
Robocash remains one of the most stable P2P platforms in the industry. Recently, one of the most active voices among the P2P investor community on Telegram (P2P Bulldog) share his analysis of Robocash loans using Benford Analysis and the results were supportive of the positive opinion almost everyone shares of the platform work. Transparency: Group Audited Financial Reports
Kviku Finance
I’m still exploring Kviku Finance but the initial impression is quite positive. For a reliable loan originator of Mintos and IUVO Group, the fact that they decided to launch their own P2P platform shows the dynamic in the industry and what to expect from the strongest LOs.
Take full advantage of the initial €20 sign-up bonus.

New P2P Platforms in the European Market
It is interesting to follow EstateGuru path, but it can be quite frustrating to compare results of investing on platforms such as Lendermarket where you can see your income right away versus waiting for months until you do. Depending on your income strategy, these type of platforms can make sense or should be avoided at all.

Estateguru: Loan Risk Analysis
I decided to give a try to EvoEstate. Curious to explore the dynamics of the platform and how it works. A small investment to get visibility on what the future holds for the platform.
The Latest Real Estate European P2P Industry News & Insights
I decided to give a try to Rendity. Curious to explore the dynamics of the platform and how it works. A investment to get visibility on what the future holds for the platform.

Exploring the P2P Lending Market
Other P2P Platform News
Debitum Network
Debitum Network during 2020 reached multiple milestones: over 3 million EUR outstanding portfolio, over 20 million EUR of total invested volume, almost 6000 active users, and more than 30 million EUR of provided assets.
What’s new on the ReInvest24 secondary market?
- There is no more restriction of 5 cents for clicking on the share price when using a scroll bar;
- Introduced a limit of +-50% per share price in order to avoid any unrealistic prices such as 1000% premium per share.
Bulkestate keeps promoting projects on a regular basis. A new investment opportunity “Kr. Barona Apartments – 2nd stage” with an annual return of 13% will be launched soon.
For the next 3 months – invest at least €4,000 and get 1% cashback. The offer is active till March 12, 2021.
CoinLoan is the only regulated crypto lending platform licensed under the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit. In 2020 there were 104 crypto companies that renewed the European virtual currency provider license out of almost 1000 companies that operate in the market.
Can you imagine how many crypto-enterprises secretly toil in the informal economy?
HeavyFinance is a P2P marketplace that offers investors a new asset class: loans backed by heavy machinery. This is the first crowdlending platform in the world focusing on heavy equipment as collateral.
Laimonas Noreika, the company CEO was one of the founders of FinBee.
Brickfy is an Estonian financial technology company that offers a lending marketplace to invest in business and property-backed loans with an average IRR of 12.49%.
Brickfy is operated by Brick and Mortar Digital Assets OÜ. Company authorized and regulated as a Financial Institution by the Estonian Financial Intelligence Unit with the license FFA000353.
Dena Invest
For me Dena invest is clearly a problematic platform. I’m not happy with the answers from the team and I will not invest on this platform.
Dena Invest: Investors want clear answers!
Fraudulent P2P Platforms
iban Wallet
For me iban Wallet is clearly a problematic platform. As you remember, when reviewing the platform I highlighted the lack of transparency about the financials, operations and business structure of the entire organization.
Kristaps Mors took the research seriously and you can read the results here:
As always, I appreciate the work done by Kristaps. I reach out to iban Wallet for a comment, but received an empty reply. A serious company takes this type of publications seriously, addressing the information and sustaining their position based on facts. Not answering is in itself an answer.
I decided to close my open position on the platform, and warn caution to any investors.
iban Wallet: A Warning Message
For those that still think Wisefund is a legit platform… No. Wisefund is part of the fraudulent criminal groups that took advantage of the P2P industry to commit their crimes. Please check the publication below to learn how you can act now to fight this criminals back.
Suspicious, Troubling and Fraudulent P2P Platforms
The legal process continues and due to the fantastic work of the coordination group there are some news sharing light on what really happened to make this fraud possible. The next few months will be critical for the outcome for investors. Thank you to all that contributed to make this effort to bring these criminals to justice.
The connections between Envestio, Kuetzal and Monethera fraudsters is becoming clear over time. A lot of effort is still required as well as patience, but I’m positive that we will have justice on this case.
The direct involvement of financial institutions to allow this type of criminality is concerning on multiple levels. It is necessary an international effort to track all involved on this fraud, but things are moving and I’m positive on the final outcome.
This is one of the most complex legal processes I every participated in. The sheer amount of effort to deal with this criminals is completely out of the understanding of a normal P2P investor. Kudos for the core team that is managing all efforts towards representing investors in this case.
Suspicious, Troubling and Fraudulent P2P Platforms
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